Dual Flex Operator Triple Cut Envelope Opener & Extractor

Most commonly used for relatively fast applications such as remittance operations. A single Triple Cut unit serves two operators — each with their own independent 32” extract conveyor workstation. A semi-automatic envelope extractor, also designed for dual operators, helps to achieve maximum throughput. Ideal for scenarios where individual operator capability suggests extraction speeds in excess of 1,100 units/hour.

Thanks to independent extract conveyors with unique smart-gating, the faster operator is never restricted by the slower operator. This configuration is ideal for windowed envelope payments. Often enhanced with our Thickness/Metal Outsort option, the Triple Cut Dual-Flex Operator Station can supply separated-for-grasp transactions without either operator experiencing periodic lapses in transactions available for grasp.

Quality Mail Extraction Products by Agissar, Leveraging 40+ Years of Process Insight – Contact us today for your free consultation!

Triple Cut Options

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