INFOPoll Web Warehouse2024-03-14T17:48:52+00:00

INFOPoll® Web Warehouse

Extending accountability beyond the walls of your operation.

INFOPoll® Web Warehouse

When you’re dealing with document tracking and archival, materials handling, inventory warehousing and/or product fulfillment, it’s difficult at best to maintain a complete chain-of-custody throughout the lifecycle of a project. Whether it’s a limited or seasonal project, or an ongoing core initiative.

With Agissar’s scalable INFOPoll Web Warehouse application, you’ll instantly know the status of every document/component in your process at any given time. Including exactly where they’re located, when they were last handled, and by whom. It’s a web based closed-loop system that can provide total logistical management across multiple facilities, including third-party locations for offsite archival.

The IQ is in the QR.

With INFOPoll Web Warehouse — our powerful indexing and inventory control system for imaging centers — the chain-of-custody process for a document or item begins when a credentialed user creates a new file.

Entry process. The user enters key information via a web form with up to 32 client-defined fields. This generates a unique QR code that will live with that document/item for status verification from that moment forward. The data is stored in the system’s robust backend SQL Server, while a QR-coded separator sheet or label is printed for tracking.

Location assignment. After file creation, the user generates a Box ID linear barcode. Files can be assigned to this Box ID until the box is full. When enough boxes have been created, the user assigns boxes to a pallet — which can be shipped to an internal scanning operation, an active warehouse space or to a records management facility for long-term archiving.

Validation and Verification. The system provides built in checks to confirm that the documents sent were the documents received.  This is done through the use of handheld barcode scanners as well as individual file verification during the imaging process in which we compare the indexes captured by the indexing system match the indexes in INFOPoll

Auto status updates and streamlined retrieval. Through the system-wide use of handheld barcode scanners, the QR code is used to track each document/item in the system. Since QR-code data is automatically updated at each stage of handling, a document/item can always be instantly located and quickly retrieved. Yet the integrity chain of custody remains intact. Even if, for example, a document is checked out of a particular box — or a box is checked out of a particular palette.

Integration with Imaging Systems.  The Web Warehouse can associate the indexes and physical documents with their electronic images for view on our web page.  Digital Mailroom, Certified Mail, and Return Mail operations have benefited from this web based tracking system.

Easy integration with third-party apps. INFOPoll Web Warehouse also includes a sophisticated application programming interface (API) for integration with existing or ancillary systems. One potential application for our API is the use of a third-party app to automate the indexing process for documents, prior to their introduction into the Agissar INFOPoll Web Warehouse system.

INFOPoll® Web Warehouse Product Sheet


INFOPoll® Enterprise Edition

Agissar Corporation - Quality Mail Extraction Products offering a Complete Line of Envelope Sorting and Mail Extracting Equipment Located in CT, USA

INFOPoll® Web Warehouse

Agissar Corporation - Quality Mail Extraction Products offering a Complete Line of Envelope Sorting and Mail Extracting Equipment Located in CT, USA

INFOPoll® Data Collectors

Agissar Corporation - Quality Mail Extraction Products offering a Complete Line of Envelope Sorting and Mail Extracting Equipment Located in CT, USA

INFOPoll® Vote By Mail

Agissar and INFOPoll Products, ACH, ARC, Archive, Agissar, Agissar Corporation, ATM, ATM deposit, Auto extraction, Automated extraction, Automated mailroom solutions, Automatic orientation, devices, Banking equipment, Banks, Bill opener, Bill process, Branch capture, Cable companies, Camera, Cash letter, Cash position, Character recognition, Check21, Check, Checks, Check detection, Check fraud detection, Check processing, City tax processing, Claims, Claims Processing, Classes, Contents extraction, Corporate, Corporate Credit Unions, Courses, Credit card companies, Credit card process, Data, Data collection, Data collection process, Data collectors, Data management, Deposits, Document file folder, Digital mailroom, Document, Document preparation, Document processing, Document transport, Dual machines, Electronic, Electronic bill presentment, Electronic mail, presentment, Electronic payment processing, Empty envelope assurance, Envelope extraction equipment, Envelope handling, Enveloper, Envelopers, Equipment, Exception mail processing, Extraction, Extraction desk, Federal tax processing, Feed Rate, Financial business solutions, Forms processing, Forms processor, Fraud, Fraud filters, Fraud prevention, Fulfillment, Handwriting recognition, Handwriting recognition software, Health claims, Health claim processing, High speed scanner, Image, Images, Image capture, Image capture, Image capture software, Image exchange, Image export, Image transport, Imaging, Imaging workflow, Information collection, Inserters, International, Letter sorter, Letter sorters, Lockbox, Lockbox processing Lockbox software, Mail automation, Mail automation equipment, Mail automation solutions, Mail extraction, Mail extraction equipment, Mail extraction processing, Mail extraction systems, Mail machine, Mail opening, Mail orientation, Mail processing, Mail processing systems, Mail sorting, Mail sorting equipment, Mailroom automation, Mailroom sorter, Mailroom sorters, Medicare claims processing, Medicare processing MICR, MICR code, MICR reading, MICR technology, Milling, Milling cutter, Milling cutter technology, Milling devices, MLOCR, NCR 7780 , NCR 7731, Networked data production, Networked real-time data collection, OCR, Omation, Opex, Opex , Corporation, Orientation, Panini S1 , Panini S1 Vision, Panini Vision 120e, Payment handling, Payment processing, Payment solutions, Pre-extraction, Processing, PTI, Quiet Jog, Rapid extraction desk , Reject repair, Returned item, Remittance, Remittance processing, Remittance sorting equipment, Retail, Retail lockbox, RPS, RP Solutions, Scanner, Scanning, Scanning and imaging equipment for incoming and outgoing mail processing, Semi auto extraction, Share drafts, Signature verification, Slitting, Software, Solutions technology, Sorting, Sorting equipment , Statements, Statement rendering, State tax processing, Stielow, Training, Throughput, Used Opex equipment, Utility companies, Utilization rate, Web based, Web based image transfer, White mail, White mail processing, Wholesale lockbox, ZeroPass, mail processing, mail extraction, digital mailroom, omation, scanning, scanner, high speed scanner, mail sorting, MLOCR, OPEX Corporation mailroom automation, extraction, scanning and imaging equipment for incoming and outgoing mail processing, sorting, equipment
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